


SETUP » История » Версия 5

Версия 4 (Dmitry Chernyak, 07.07.2016 13:30) → Версия 5/7 (Dmitry Chernyak, 07.07.2016 13:32)




SkyCover Duply Usage Guidelines

All the actions are executing in the command line.
The Windows ™ users should start the CygWin shell.

h2. Prepare

If you are planning to save the configuration under /etc (it is available only when running as root), create folder /etc/scduply:

mkdir /etc/scduply

Otherwise the configuration will be automatically placed into ~/.scduply

scduply init

In the file ~/.scduply/conf or /etc/scduply/conf set the values:
*GPG_KEY* – set the ID of the GPG key, if you planning to use the key,
*GPG_PW* – set the password for the GPG key, or the password for symmetric encryption (don’t use weak passwords),
*TARGET_URL* – set the path (network or local) to the backup archive storage (the examples are in the configuration file).


GPG_PW = 123456
TARGET_URL = /tmp/sctest

h2. Test

h3. Create a job

$ scduply JOB create
$ echo /path/to/backup > ~/.scduply/JOB/source

h3. Do backup

All configured jobs will be executed

$ scduply bkpall

The first backup of the job will be full, the next will be incremental with per-block difference via librsync algorythm.

h3. Restore

$ scduply JOB restore /path/to/restore