INSTALL » История » Версия 2
Версия 1 (Александр Кобуз, 13.02.2016 04:34) → Версия 2/4 (Александр Кобуз, 13.02.2016 04:38)
SkyCover Duply installation procedure
Installation under Linux and *nixes
# install duplicity and git packages
# the command Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install duplicity git
# install scduply
git clone git://
cd scduply
# generate the cryptography keys and signature
gpg --gen-key # you'd need to remember the ID and the password of the key
# generate ssh keys (if needed)
Note: if you can’t get scduply via git, you can download and install the tarball:
wget -O scduply.tar.gz
tar zxvf scduply.tar.gz
cd skycover-scduply-*
We suggesting also to install the web-interface [[SkyCover_Duply_Web_en|SkyCover SkyCover Duply Web (SCDW)]]. (SCDW).
Next look at [[USAGE_scduply|USAGE]]. “Usage“.
Installation under Windows ™
Under Windows ™ the program is working under CygWin.
We recommending to use our installer, which will automatically install on the computer "CygWin":, [[SkyCover_Duply|scduply]], CygWin, scduply, and also the web-interface [[SkyCover_Duply_Web_en|SkyCover Duply Web (SCDW)]] SCDW and all the needed components.
SkyCover Duply installation procedure
Installation under Linux and *nixes
# install duplicity and git packages
# the command Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install duplicity git
# install scduply
git clone git://
cd scduply
# generate the cryptography keys and signature
gpg --gen-key # you'd need to remember the ID and the password of the key
# generate ssh keys (if needed)
Note: if you can’t get scduply via git, you can download and install the tarball:
wget -O scduply.tar.gz
tar zxvf scduply.tar.gz
cd skycover-scduply-*
We suggesting also to install the web-interface [[SkyCover_Duply_Web_en|SkyCover SkyCover Duply Web (SCDW)]]. (SCDW).
Next look at [[USAGE_scduply|USAGE]]. “Usage“.
Installation under Windows ™
Under Windows ™ the program is working under CygWin.
We recommending to use our installer, which will automatically install on the computer "CygWin":, [[SkyCover_Duply|scduply]], CygWin, scduply, and also the web-interface [[SkyCover_Duply_Web_en|SkyCover Duply Web (SCDW)]] SCDW and all the needed components.