


ОБЗОР » История » Версия 17

Версия 16 (Александр Кобуз, 11.01.2016 04:48) → Версия 17/112 (Александр Кобуз, 11.01.2016 04:49)



h1. SkyCover Duply (scduply)

[[ОБЗОР]] | [[УСТАНОВКА]] | [[ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ]] | [[SkyCover Duply Web]] [[ОПЕРАЦИИ]] | [[Duplicity]] [[ЛИЦЕНЗИЯ]] | [[СОСТОЯНИЕ]]

*scduply* is the tool for managing dedicated server backups via the configuration files and simple commands.
It uses "Duplicity":http://duplicity.nongnu.org/ as the backend.

*scdw* is the web frontend for scduply.

Both scduply and scdw are licensed under GPL.

h2. The Official Resources

The Project pages: "in Englsih":http://en.skycover.ru/opensource/scduply/ | "на Русском":http://www.skycover.ru/opensource/scduply/

The Installation Guides: "in Englsih":http://en.skycover.ru/opensource/scduply/scduply-install/ | "на Русском":http://www.skycover.ru/opensource/scduply/scduply-install/

The User Guides: "in Englsih":http://en.skycover.ru/opensource/scduply/scduply-usage/ | "на Русском":http://www.skycover.ru/opensource/scduply/scduply-usage/

The Source Code: "scduply":http://github.com/skycover/scduply | "scdw":http://github.com/skycover/scdw

h2. Tips and Notes

[[MySQL backup]]

[[SkyCover Duply Web]]
