


SETUP » История » Версия 1

Dmitry Chernyak, 26.02.2011 22:12

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Ensure both nodes are up.
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If you planning to use the secondary network for SAN and DRBD synchronization, you
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should configure secondary IP interfaces manually on both nodes at this time.
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Log in to the first node via ssh. Due to lack of DNS there may be
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a minute timeout before password prompt.
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Edit @/etc/sci/sci.conf@
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* You should specify node1 and node2 data as you have installed them.
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*NOTE*: You can setup the cluster even with one node. In this case just leave NODE2_
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lines as is. In fact this is a dangerous setup, so you will be warned about this duging
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the procedures.
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* You should specify the cluster's name and IP.
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* NODE#_SAN_IP should be specified on both nodes or none.
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* If you haven't Internet uplink or have a local package mirrors, you should correct
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APT_ - settings.
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* If you need to uplink to the DNS hierarchy other than root hint zones, specify DNS_FORWARDERS
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(note trailing ';').
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# sci-setup cluster
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Check and confirm settings printed.
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The process will go on.
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Next you will be prompted to accept ssh key from node2 and for the root's password to node2.
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On finish you will look something like this:
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:10 2011 * Verifying global settings
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:10 2011 * Gathering data (1 nodes)
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:11 2011 * Verifying node status
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:11 2011 * Verifying instance status
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:11 2011 * Verifying orphan volumes
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:11 2011 * Verifying orphan instances
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:11 2011 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:11 2011 * Other Notes
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Wed Jan 12 15:36:11 2011 * Hooks Results
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Node                    DTotal  DFree MTotal MNode MFree Pinst Sinst
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gnt1.ganeti.example.org 100.0G 100.0G  1020M  379M  625M     0     0
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gnt2.ganeti.example.org 100.0G 100.0G  1020M  379M  625M     0     0
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If all is ok, proceed with /usr/local/sbin/sci-setup service
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The service instance is named 'sci' and have a few aliases.
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On setup, it's IP address is determined from @/etc/resolv.conf@ of your first node.
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This instance will be hardcoded in @/etc/hosts@ file of all cluster nodes and instances.
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# sci-setup service
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You'll see the progress of DRBD syncing disks, then the message
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* running the instance OS create scripts...
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appears. The further may take a while. The process finishes with
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* starting instance...
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Now you can log on to the sci instance using:
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# gnt-instance console sci
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Log in as root, the password is empty.
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*NOTE*: Due to empty password all remote connections to new instance is prohibited.
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You should change password and install @openssh-server@ package manually after
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successful bootstrap procedure.
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The system will setup itself via puppet. This is the iterative process. You can monitor
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it by looking into @/var/log/daemon.log@. At start there is no @less@ command yet, so
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you can use @more@, @cat@, @tail@ or @tail -f@ until @less@ will be auto-installed.
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By default the iterations are repeated in 20 minutes. To shorten the wait time you can
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# /etc/init.d/puppet restart
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and then look into @daemon.log@ how it finishes.
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Repeat this a few times until puppet will do nothing in turn.
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New instances are created just by regular Ganeti commands such as:
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gnt-instance add -t drbd -o debootstrap+default -s 10g -B memory=256m -n NODE1_NAME:NODE2_NAME INSTANCE_NAME
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Altought, some tuning hooks are provided by SCI-CD project:
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# Each instance has installed @puppet@ for autoconfiguration and @openssh-client@ for file transfers etc.
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# The instance uses pygrub to boot kernel from /vmlinuz & Co on the innstance's own disk.
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# The instance's network interfaces may be set up automatically as described below.
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If your instances may sit on several networks and you need static addressing in them, you should fulfill
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the file @/etc/ganeti/networks@ with all known networks you want to attach your instances.
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Each line in the file has format
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Ganeti instance debootstrap hook looks in this file for the network, mathing the address of bootstraped
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instance and fulfill it's @/etc/network/interfaces@ accordingly.
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*NOTE*: If you have only one default network, you shouldn't care because it's data are preinstalled.
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*NOTE*: networks file must be copied to all cluster nodes (not automated yet).
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Read [[OPERATIONS]] next.