


SCI services management » История » Версия 1

Версия 1/15 - Следующее » - Текущая версия
Владимир Ипатов, 24.10.2012 19:19

SCI services management


Puppet http://www.puppetlabs.com/) is the open source platform for enterprise systems management.
Puppet is used to deploy the configuration to the cluster instances.
Documentation can be found at http://docs.puppetlabs.com/

Puppet master is installed on the instance 'sci'.


DNS is configured on the instance 'sci' via puppet.

The zone file is stored as a template at /etc/puppet/modules/bind9/templates/sci/zone.erb
On each update you should set new (growing) zone serial number, initially

0000000001 ; Serial

to the new growing value. YYYYMMDDNN is recommended (NN - is the change number in one day).
Feel free to modify it to adjust your system.

New names should be placed below the string

; here you can put any other records

To apply your changes quickly you should issue

/etc/init.d/puppet restart


Apt is configured on the instance 'sci' via puppet.


Global distributed sources.list template is resided in /etc/puppet/modules/approx/templates/sources.list.erb


Approx is configured in /etc/puppet/modules/approx/templates/approx.conf.erb
To apply your changes quickly you should issue

/etc/init.d/puppet restart