


POST-INSTALL » История » Версия 2

« Предыдущее - Версия 2/4 (Разница(diff)) - Следующее » - Текущая версия
Владимир Ипатов, 09.10.2012 22:52


This list is automatically generated by

grep ^## profiles/SCI-i686/postinst.sh

List here may be outdated.

## Setting up default grub entry - 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.*-xen-686 and XEN 4.0-*'
## Adding hypervisor option dom0_mem=512M
## Set hostname to fqdn
## Set xend-config.sxp: xend-relocation-hosts-allow to allow relocation from local domain (XXX broken)
## Set default interface to be bridged, optionally with vlan (see postinst.conf)
## Set up module loading (drbd, 8021q)
## Allow plugins and facts syncing for puppet
## Enable puppet to start
## Disable xendomains saving options
## Set up CD-ROM repository: create /var/lib/cdimages, /media/sci
## Set up ganeti-instance-debootstrap source to local SCI-CD image
## Add "xm sched-credit -d0 -w512" to /etc/rc.local
## Add sysfs tuning for better disk latency and to avoid kernel problems
## Add workaround for bnx2x NIC on HP Proliant and Blade servers
## Set up symlinks /boot/vmlinuz-2.6-xenU, /boot/initrd-2.6-xenU
## Copy-in SCI-CD iso image to /var/lib/cdimages, mount to /media/sci, set up sources.list
## Add ganeti hooks to attach SCI-CD to debootstrap-type instances just after startup as xvdc
## Add ganeti-instance-debootstrap hooks for pygrub and SCI-CD
## Add ganeti-instance-debootstrap variant "sci" 
## Add SCI deploing scripts