


Network setup » История » Версия 1

Dmitry Chernyak, 05.02.2013 11:24

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h1. Network setup
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Back to [[SETUP]] page.
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Network configuration may be highly various.
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h2. Basic schema - one ethernet to all.
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One ethernet, one subnet, internet connection provided by external (not in claster) router.
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By default installer create bridge named xen-br0. You can customize parameters by editing /etc/network/interfaces.
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In this case you must have nodes connected to gigabit ethernet switch.
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By default it looks like:
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auto xen-br0
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iface xen-br0 inet static
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        bridge_ports eth0
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        bridge_stp off
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        bridge_fd 0
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#       up ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000
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#       up ifconfig xen-br0 mtu 9000
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Important parameters besides ipv4 settings is:
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bridge_ports eth0
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- means that physical interface eth0 enslaved to this bridge.
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up ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000
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up ifconfig xen-br0 mtu 9000
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- setting jumbo frame on bridge for more network speed and less cpu utilization.
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It will be actual on interface where drbd link will be.
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However, setting mtu higher than 1500 will cause problems with any network equipment that
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doesn't support jumbo frames. That's the reason because it option commented out by default.
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h2. Default schema - two ethernets, one for interlink(ganeti interoperation+drbd link) and one for lan.
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This schema suits most cases. It doesn't required a gigabit switch, provide good performance and reliability.
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Two gigabit network interfaces on the nodes are connected directly or via a gigabit
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switch (if you want more than two nodes in the cluster).
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Other interfaces connected to lan.
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Lan failure doesn't affect cluster in this setup.
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This is /etc/network/interfaces file for this setup:
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<pre>auto xen-br0
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iface xen-br0 inet static
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        bridge_ports eth0
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        bridge_stp off
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        bridge_fd 0
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#	up ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000
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#	up ifconfig xen-br0 mtu 9000
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auto xen-lan
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iface xen-lan inet static
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	bridge_ports eth1
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	bridge_stp off
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	bridge_fd 0
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xen-br0 used by ganeti interoperation and drbd link, it was configured by the installer.
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Also the dns server and the gateway was configured by the installer - it will be our service instance(sci) address.
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xen-lan used by lan connection, its configuration must be added by hands.
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In this network configuration you must fill these variables in sci.conf:
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NODE1_IP - already configured by installer.
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NODE1_NAME - already configured by installer.
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NODE2_IP - set interlink ip address of second node. e.g.
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NODE2_NAME - set second node name. e.g. gnt2
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NODE1_LAN_IP - lan ip for first node. It will be available by dns name $NODE1_NAME-lan.
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NODE2_LAN_IP - lan ip for second node. It will be available by dns name $NODE2_NAME-lan. e.g.
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CLUSTER_IP - cluster address in lan. Must not match any exist host address in lan.
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CLUSTER_NAME - cluster name in lan. In will be available by dns name $CLUSTER_NAME.
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SCI_LAN_IP - if you want presence sci intance in your lan, assign ip. e.g.
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h2. Mupltiple bridges with routing, firewalling and wan access.
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Here is a bit more complicated network setup.
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In this setup we have, for example, two private netwokrs and wan by ethernet. All routing and firewalling
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performed by separate firewall instance in our cluster. This setup fit when you don't have expensive hardware routers and firewalls.
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This is /etc/network/interfaces file in this setup:
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auto lan
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iface lan inet static
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        bridge_ports eth0
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        bridge_stp off
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        bridge_fd 0
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auto server
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iface server inet static
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        bridge_ports eth1
113 1 Dmitry Chernyak
        bridge_stp off
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        bridge_fd 0
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        up ifconfig eth1 mtu 9000
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        up ifconfig dmz mtu 9000
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auto wan1
119 1 Dmitry Chernyak
iface wan1 inet manual
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        bridge_ports eth2
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        bridge_stp off
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        bridge_fd 0
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In this example we have separate lan interfaces, server interface(in this case servers separated from lan and
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clients go to servers thru router) and wan interface. server interface - ganeti interoperation dev and drbd link
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interfase, so there is mtu 9000.
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There is no address in wan for hypervisor, although we recommend you to get subnet from
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your ISP in order to assign IP addresses to nodes to management it even if router instance
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is down.
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In this network configuration you must fill these variables in sci.conf:
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NODE1_IP - already configured by installer.
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NODE1_NAME - already configured by installer.
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NODE2_IP - set interlink ip address of second node. e.g.
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NODE2_NAME - set second node name. e.g. gnt2
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NODE1_LAN_IP - lan ip for first node. It will be available by dns name $NODE1_NAME-lan.
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NODE2_LAN_IP - lan ip for second node. It will be available by dns name $NODE2_NAME-lan. e.g.
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CLUSTER_IP - cluster address in lan. Must not match any exist host address in lan.
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CLUSTER_NAME - cluster name in lan. In will be available by dns name $CLUSTER_NAME.
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SCI_LAN_IP - if you want presence sci intance in your lan, assign ip. e.g.
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Here is an example /etc/network/interfaces in router instance:
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auto eth0
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iface eth0 inet static
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auto eth1
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iface eth1 inet static
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auto eth2
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iface eth2 inet static
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Where eth0 linked to bridge server, eth1 linked to lan, eth2 linked to wan.
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h2. Datacenter schema - separate interfaces for lan, ganeti interoperation, drbd link.
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If you have powerful networking infrastructure
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Here we have separate interfaces for ganeti interoperation(in this case it may be named management interface)
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<pre>auto mgmt
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iface mgmt inet static
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        bridge_ports eth0
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        bridge_stp off
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        bridge_fd 0
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auto xen-san
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iface xen-san inet static
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    bridge_ports eth1
183 1 Dmitry Chernyak
    bridge_stp off
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    bridge_fd 0
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    up ifconfig eth1 mtu 9000
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    up ifconfig xen-san mtu 9000
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auto xen-lan
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iface xen-lan inet manual
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    bridge_ports eth2
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    bridge_stp off
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    bridge_fd 0
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In this example nodes don't have addresses in lan.
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You must fill these vars in sci.conf to create cluster fits this network config:
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NODE1_IP - already configured by installer.
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NODE1_NAME - already configured by installer.
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NODE2_IP - set interlink ip address of second node. e.g.
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NODE2_NAME - set second node name. e.g. gnt2
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NODE1_SAN_IP - lan ip for first node. It will be available by dns name $NODE1_NAME-san.
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NODE2_SAN_IP - lan ip for second node. It will be available by dns name $NODE2_NAME-san. e.g.
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CLUSTER_IP - cluster address in lan. Must not match any exist host address in lan.
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CLUSTER_NAME - cluster name in lan. In will be available by dns name $CLUSTER_NAME.
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SCI_LAN_IP - if you want presence sci intance in your lan, assign ip. e.g.
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SCI_LAN_NETMASK - your nodes don't have addresses in lan, so you must enter netmask for this segment by hand. e.g.
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SCI_LAN_GATEWAY - your nodes don't have addresses in lan, so you must enter gateway for this segment by hand. e.g.
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Of course, it is easy to use VLANS in datacenter conditions. Next example will explain how. However, remember it is recommended
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that drbd link must be on separate ethernet.
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h2. VLAN schema
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If you have managed switches, you can set networking with VLANs.
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You should add something like this for each VLAN:
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auto eth0.55
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iface eth0.55 inet manual
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        up ifconfig eth0.55 up
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auto bridge-example-vlan
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iface bridge-example-vlan inet manual
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        up brctl addbr bridge-example-vlan
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        up brctl addif bridge-example-vlan eth0.55
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        up brctl stp bridge-example-vlan off
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        up ifconfig bridge-example-vlan up
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        down ifconfig bridge-example-vlan down
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        down brctl delbr bridge-example-vlan
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Where 55 - VLAN number.
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In this example node don't have an ip address in this VLAN, although you could
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assign an ip to bridge just like standard bridge.
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Alternative schema is:
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auto vlan55
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iface vlan55 inet manual
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   vlan_raw_device eth0
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auto bridge-example-vlan
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iface bridge-example-vlan inet manual
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           bridge_ports vlan55
243 1 Dmitry Chernyak
        bridge_stp off
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        bridge_fd 0
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It do the same, but in another way.