


INSTALL » История » Версия 4

Версия 3 (Владимир Ипатов, 23.10.2012 13:31) → Версия 4/45 (Владимир Ипатов, 23.10.2012 13:40)



This is the installation instructions for SCI-CD project.

h2. You'll need the Internet connection to build CD-ROM

The build engine is based on the simple-cdd Debian package.

h2. Install build components

$ apt-get install simple-cdd sharutils git

Get ISO image project sources

$ git clone http://github.com/dmi/sci-cd.git

h2. Use Git magic

You should create your own branch to place modifications and to save the
ability to receive updates.

$ cd sci-cd
$ git checkout -b local

For additional useful commands read [[GITMAGIC]]

h2. Adjust the environment

h3. _profiles/SCI-amd64.conf_

You may need to change debian_mirror and security_mirror settings if
you are using another mirrors or apt-proxies.

h3. _profiles/SCI-amd64.downloads_

can get built ISO from here: add more packages here to make more functional distro on the
Otherwise CD. It is recomended that you can build should first try the default list and
then rebuild with
your own iso (for experienced users): [[BUILD-ISO]] extention.

h3. _profiles/SCI-amd64.files/postinst.conf_

Optional. The file should be created.
Tunable parameters:

*vlan_no* - if set, the control network will be placed in this vlan
using 802.1q tagging.

h2. Build ISO image

./build.sh SCI-amd64

h2. Burn ISO image

Image will be built in @images/@ folder, burn it with your favorite tool
(for ex. - k3b).

h2. Install the system

Install the system on two nodes (you may use only one node, but high
availability capabilities will be unavailable).

You must to know following data at this time:
* The number and mask of local network
* The IP addresses of two installed nodes (in the same network)
* The internet router's address (in the same network, if any)
* The cluster's domain name
* The hostnames for new nodes
* The address of the future DNS server, which will be installed on the
cluster service instance.
* The root's password
* The idea on how to create storage system - to use MD or hardware raid
or no raid at all - on your own choice.

h3. Partitioning

You should preserve following partitions on your nodes:
|/|10G|Root partition for all node's data|
|swap|1G|Swap space for Dom0 in calculation of 512Mb RAM|
|xenvg|the rest|The LVM Volume, named 'xenvg', without any partitions|

xenvg will be used as the default place for instance's volumes.
You may create more partition or volume groups at your choice.
If you want to add some system partitions on xenvg, you must then exclude it from ganeti volumes(SEE [[SETUP]]).

h3. DNS server's address

The cluster has it's own DNS server, which is also the 'approx' and
'puppet' server. At the [[SETUP]] stage, cluster DNS server can be linked
to other DNS servers in the forwarding mode.

The server's address +must not+ be the address of the existing service.

The cluster's domain name must not be the name of the existing domain if
local domain already exists (use subdomain, or completely different name).

h2. Automatic post-installation changes

During the installation phase, the postinst.sh script from the distro
made the following system tuning: [[POST-INSTALL]]

h2. The cluster is ready to setup

The CD installation takes about 15 minutes per node.
Read [[SETUP]] next.