


Adding extra volume group » История » Версия 2

Dmitry Chernyak, 16.12.2016 00:38

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h1. Adding extra volume group
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If your server has two types of disks, for example 2xSATA + 8xSAS, then you need to initialize the second VG and (if needed) to make it as a main for creating of virtual machimes:
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This operations should be done on both nodes:
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Partition disks:
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fdisk /dev/sdc
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make a primary partition on whole disk
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If you use Software RAID, then copy this prtitioning to all the disks (be careful, don't mix up the disks):
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for i in d e f g h i j; do sfdisk -d /dev/sdc|sfdisk /dev/sd$i; done
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Initialize md, vg (skip mdadm command if you have hardware RAID)
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mdadm --create -n8 -l10 /dev/md3 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1 /dev/sdg1 /dev/sdh1 /dev/sdi1 /dev/sdj1
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pvcreate /dev/md3
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vgcreate sas /dev/md3
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And, finally, tune the cluster defaults to use the new vg (issue this one time on the master node):
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gnt-cluster modify --vg-name=sas --disk-parameters=drbd:metavg=sas
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By default all disks have set the deadline scheduler.
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If you use the hardware RAID or separate external storage, connected via FC/Infiniband/iSCSI, then, POSSIBLE, will be better to use noop scheduler for the underlying physical disks.
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Nevertheless, the deadline scheduler will be sufficient for all disk types.
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The article about comparing the three variants of offset in raid10 (SCI use the default one, NEAR):
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