Управление SCI сервисами » История » Версия 2
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Владимир Ипатов, 12.11.2012 03:48
Управление SCI сервисами¶
Puppet http://www.puppetlabs.com/) is the open source platform for enterprise systems management.
Puppet is used to deploy the configuration to the cluster instances.
Documentation can be found at http://docs.puppetlabs.com/
Puppet master is installed on the instance 'sci'.
By default you have several modules in puppet:- Apt config(approx)
- DNS config(bind9)
- DHCP config(dhcpd)
- locale config(locale)
- timezone config(timezone).
Classes pick and providing parameters for it made by /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:
node 'default' { class { sources_list_local: stage => pre0, } class { common_profile: stage => pre1, } class { timezone: zone => "Europe/Moscow", stage => main, } class { locale: def_locale => "ru_RU.UTF-8", stage => main, } } node 'sci' { class { approx_local: stage => pre0, } class { sources_list_local: stage => pre0, } class { common_profile: stage => pre1, } class { bind9_sci: stage => main, } class { timezone: zone => "Europe/Moscow", stage => main, } class { locale: def_locale => "ru_RU.UTF-8", stage => main, } class { dhcpd: enabled => no, stage => post1, } }
If you don't specify node, default classes will be accepted for this node.
Apt is configured on the instance 'sci' via puppet.
Global distributed sources.list template is resided in /etc/puppet/modules/approx/templates/sources.list.erb
Approx is configured in /etc/puppet/modules/approx/templates/approx.conf.erb
To apply your changes quickly you should issue
/etc/init.d/puppet restart
DNS is configured on the instance 'sci' via puppet.
The forward zone file is stored as a template at /etc/puppet/modules/bind9/templates/sci/zone.erb
in system it will be at /etc/bind/master/$domain
The reverse zone file is stored as a template at /etc/puppet/modules/bind9/templates/sci/in-addr.erb
in system it will be at /etc/bind/master/in-addr
On each update you should set new (growing) zone serial number, initially
0000000001 ; Serial
to the new growing value. YYYYMMDDNN is recommended (NN - is the change number in one day).
Feel free to modify it to adjust your system.
New names should be placed below the string
; here you can put any other records
To apply your changes quickly you should issue
/etc/init.d/bind9 reload
Note that if you using dynamic updates(e.g. from dhcp-server) you must before editing file:
rndc freeze your.domain
for forward zone or
rndc freeze 168.192.in-addr.arpa
for reverse zone.
And after editing the zone you must:
rndc unfreeze your.domain
rndc unfreeze 168.192.in-addr.arpa
isc-dhcp-server is configured on instance sci via puppet, but disabled by default.
Default setup looks like this:
If you have LAN segment in yous setup, it will be configured on it, else it will be configured on ganeti bridge.
dynamic dns updates configured by default.
ddns-update-style interim; ddns-updates on; allow-unknown-clients; autoritative; ddns-domainname "your.domain"; update-static-leases on; allow client-updates; key DHCP_UPDATE { algorithm HMAC-MD5; secret secret-generated-md5; }; subnet netmask { authoritative; ddns-updates on; range; option routers; option domain-name-servers; option domain-name "your.domain"; default-lease-time 604800; max-lease-time 2592000; } zone your.domain. { primary; key DHCP_UPDATE; } zone 168.192.in-addr.arpa. { primary; key DHCP_UPDATE; }
Locale in cluster ruled by puppet. By default it is en_US.UTF-8
If you want to set locale you need, you must set it in /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp
class { locale: def_locale => "ru_RU.UTF-8", stage => main, }
You must also add locale in
if locale you want isn't in this list:en_US ISO-8859-1 en_US UTF-8 ru_RU UTF-8 ru_RU KOI8-R ru_RU CP1251 ru_RU ISO8859-5
Note that you must add this locale BEFORE last string:
<%= def_locale["."] = " "; def_locale %>